Please forward suggestions for this list to

Coping with Medical Error: Secondary Trauma by Brian Flaherty, MD, MSCI and Megan Call, PhD

Doctors make mistakes. Can we talk about that?  Brian Goldman | TEDxToronto 2010
"What’s in a smile? A review of the benefits of the clinician’s smile", from Postgraduate Medical Journal

“While it is unlikely that forcing a smile every day will prolong your marriage or prevent disease and death, a heartfelt smile is associated with numerous benefits, whether given or received…What’s more, there is a real chance that conveying a sense of positivity to patients has the potential to brighten up their day, even just a little. And why not extend the benefits to colleagues and perhaps even yourself?”

On Humility,”  from Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

“Intellectual humility is the ability to recognize the limits of one’s own knowledge and valuing others’ skills, which ultimately facilitates learning. Intellectual humility drives curiosity, reflection, and open-mindedness, and it depends on other-oriented interpersonal relationships…Humble leaders prioritize the success of team members over their own, avoid boasting, and take responsibility for bad results.5 Humble behaviors in leadership include eagerness to recognize mistakes, asking for assistance, demonstrating learning and growing, crediting others, recognizing others’ contributions, and facilitating teamwork.5 Although humble leaders are often highly competitive and ambitious, they avoid the spotlight and award credit to their teams.”

"Predictors of quality of professional life and well‐being of medical residents and interns: Role of gender and workplace spirituality - PMC (". from National Library of Medicine

“Residents and interns had moderate ProQOL levels and higher work spirituality. However, medical residents scored lower in occupational spirituality and compassionate care fulfillment compared to interns while experiencing higher levels of emotional exhaustion and secondary mental strain. Gender disparities were significant, with women scoring higher in compassionate care fulfillment but lower in secondary mental strain. Regression analysis showed that occupational spirituality positively predicted professional, compassionate care fulfillment but negatively predicted emotional exhaustion in both groups.”

5 Things Not to Say to Someone Experiencing Anxiety Anxiety is a psychological expression of pain , from Psychology Today

Why patient stories matter in medical decision-making, from

Real PTO” for Physicians: Reduce Barriers to Taking Time Off, from AMA Steps Forward.
“This toolkit will help organizations understand and remove barriers that prevent physicians from taking time off, such as a culture of constant accessibility, inadequate clinical coverage provisions during time off, and compensation plans that don't reflect time off.”

Physician marriage survey reveals sex and specialty differences in marital satisfaction factors

Karoshi- (Japanese 過労死 :   Death by Being Overworked)
by Kathryn Dao, MD, a blog from

Human Touch:  An Essential Connection between Patients and Doctors
by Simon Spivak, MD, The Doctor’s Tablet, Albert Einstein School of Medicine.

What Cancer Did Not Teach Me
by Shailaja Hayden, MD, a TCMS member.

Good Grief: The Art of Healing Ourselves From Personal or Professional Loss, from AAFP.

Note: the article’s lead author,
Dr. Michelle Owens, is on the
TCMS Physician Wellness Program leadership team.

Police arrest California woman for allegedly stealing 65 Stanley cups | CNN Business
“The inexplicable allure of Stanley cups has led people to go to extreme lengths to collect them.”

From “reverse” to “self” leadership: a journey of survival and thriving

Tips for healthy breathing and lungs

Well-Being Parameters and Intention to Leave Current Institution Among Academic Physicians

Putting Healing Back at the Center of Health Care

Healing in modern medicine

Encountering Grief in Patient Care, from American Society of Clinical Oncology.

Disenfranchised Grief and Physician Burnout, from Annals of Family Medicine.

How your brain copes with grief, and why it takes time to heal
, from NPR

Stephen Colbert and Anderson Cooper discuss grief, from CNN

Feeling artsy?  Here’s how making art helps your brain,” from Shots:  Health News from NPR.

A Place for Faith:  Doctors bring Spirituality to Work, from The American Association of Medical Colleges.

Physicians and Patients’ Spirituality:  Ethical Concerns and Boundaries in Spirituality and Health, from AMA Journal of Ethics.

Spirituality Linked with Better Health Outcomes, Patient Care, from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

“4 signs you need to check in on your friends, according to a Harvard trained psychologist,”

from CNBC.

“Text Your Friends.  It Matters More than You Think,”
from New York Times.

Are Friends the Key to Happiness?
From U.S. News and World Report.

The Critical Importance of Friends on Your Happiness ,”
from Tedx Berkeley/Mike Duffy

Focusing on Arts, Humanities to Develop Well-Rounded Physicians from American Association of Medical Colleges
 “As an internist, as a geneticist, in taking care of the full spectrum of patients—
from children with major congenital deformities to patients with hereditary cancer—there is a profound connection with patients and families. It was always the arts
and humanities that personally kept me balanced.”

The Art of Medicine:  Physicians’ Artistic Pursuits Strengthen Empathy, Sharpen Skills, from Helio Rheumatology
“by engaging in the arts, either through active participation or passive observation,
the humanities can provide physicians with the opportunity to develop their
humanity and empathy – attributes that are key in medicine.”

Medical Students’ Exposure to the Humanities Correlates with Positive Personal Qualities and Reduced Burnout: A Multi-Institutional U.S. Survey, from Journal of General Internal Medicine.
“[Science and humanities are] twin berries on one stem, grievous damage has been done to both in regarding [them]... in any other light than complemental.” ̴ Osler.

Largest Study Yet Confirms Women are More Empathetic, from Medscape UK.

Correlates of Burnout in Small Primary Care Practices in an Urban Setting, from Journal of American Board of Family Medicine.
“The independence and autonomy providers have in these small practices may provide some protection against symptoms of burnout.”

‘I Left Medicine to Save My Life’:  How Four Female Physicians Found Fulfillment in Their Second Act, from Medscape Rheumatology.

Quiet Quitting:  Are Clinicians Dying Inside Bit by Bit? from

"Work and the Loneliness Epidemic", from Harvard Business Review, by Vivek Murthy.
Dr. Murthy is Surgeon General and has been at the forefront of the movement to bring the loneliness epidemic to national attention.

"Physician Burnout: Isolation, Loneliness and the Loss of the American Hospital", from Forbes

"The Isolation and Loneliness that Physicians Experience,"  from

"3 Surprising Truths about Gender and Loneliness,"from Psychology Today.

Even Doctors Struggle to Continue Breastfeeding, from Reuters.
“…nearly half of doctors who are mothers said they stopped breastfeeding sooner than they would have if their jobs had been more accommodating, and only 28 percent said they kept going until they achieved their personal goal for the duration of breastfeeding.”

Survey Shows that Doctors are More Religious than Expected,
from UChicagoMedicine.
"We suspect that people who combine an aptitude for science with an interest in religion and an affinity for public service are particularly attracted to medicine. The responsibility to care for those who are suffering, and the rewards of helping those in need, resonate throughout most religious traditions."

We Tell Our Stories, But Who will Listen?
From KevinMD
The TCMS Fall Well-Being Symposium will feature a talk on narrative medicine.

FDA Warns Against Cooking Chicken in NyQuil. From WebMD.
Dilemma of Physician-Mothers Faced with an Increased Home Burden and Clinical Duties in the Hospital during the COVID-19 Pandemic
, from PLOS One.
“Thus, the results showed that a significantly higher proportion of physician-mothers were caught in a dilemma between an increased home burden and clinical duties in the hospital than physician-fathers during the pandemic.”
Perceptions of Parenting Challenges and Career Progression Among Physician Faculty at an Academic Hospital
, from JAMA Network Open
“Our survey study of physician faculty identified work-family tensions and challenges related to communication. It is notable that all respondents indicated that they were not comfortable discussing work-life integration issues with their leadership and that women were less likely to be comfortable in such circumstances than men… The disruptions introduced by the pandemic present an opportunity for those in leadership to play a role in improving institutional culture by acknowledging and supporting parenting challenges.”
Effect of a Professional Coaching Intervention on the Well-being and Distress of Physicians, from JAMA Internal Medicine.
Efficacy of Transcendental Meditation to Reduce Stress Among Health Care Workers, from JAMA Network Open
“These findings suggest that TM may be a safe and effective strategy to alleviate chronic stress among HCWs.”

The Side Effects of Caring, from The Journal of Clinical Oncology.

Perfectionism is a Myth: Are You Ready to Hear the Truths about Perfectionism?, from

My Patient Wants to Kill Me, from The Annals of Family Medicine.

“A Tragedy of the Profession: Physician Suicide Report 2022,”
from Medscape

“Physicians’ Experiences with Mistreatment and Discrimination by Patients, Families, and Visitors and Association with Burnout,”
from JAMA Network Open

“Good Genes are Nice, but Joy is Better,”
The Harvard Gazette.

“Why are Women Leaving Medicine? Gaslighting,”
by Dawn Sears, from

“Bright Light Therapy: Seasonal Affective Disorder and Beyond”

from Einstein J Bio Med.

“Feeling Burntout? Don't Automatically Blame Burnout on Electronic Health Records”
from The Rheumatologist.

"Can Five Deep Breaths Really Relieve Stress?"
From Psychology Today.

We Don’t Need Self-Care; We Need Boundaries
Dr. Pooja Lakshmin, an Op-Med from Doximity.

Self-Investment: physician wellness programs help bolster beleaguered workforce ,” from Texas Medicine.  
An article highlighting Physician Wellness Program including your TCMS Safe Harbor Counseling Program.

Medical Burnout: Breaking Bad  from Texas Medicine. 
“National, institutional, and departmental leadership should not put the burden squarely on staff to “do meditation apps, practice mindfulness, get 10% off on gym memberships, or count your steps for wellness.” Instead, they must recognize the insidious nature of burnout and develop the necessary tools to prevent and treat it.”

Behavioral Health for the Frontline: Lessons from the Covid-19 Pandemic , from NEJM Catalyst!  
“Close colleagues and managers are often the first to notice when a colleague is suffering, to hear about troubles at home, or to become aware of an unanticipated patient event.”

Bring on the Dad Jokes, We Need ‘em , from CNN Health. 
Warning: This story contains actual dad jokes!

A Good MotherJAMA, A Piece of My Mind
“Yet how do I know if what I am doing is enough? What is the measure of success, here, exactly? There are no pats on the back, no certificates or medals, nothing to put on my curriculum vitae. There is no award for devoting inordinate time and energy to mothering during a long and drawn-out pandemic.”

The Truth and Challenges of Being a Doctor MomDr. Nadia Sabri on Kevin MD

Burned Out by the Pandemic, 3 in 10 Healthcare Workers Consider Leaving the ProfessionThe Washington Post

Effect of a Professional Coaching Intervention on the Well-being and Distress of Physicians, from JAMA.
“…organizationally sponsored professional coaching for physicians can reduce emotional exhaustion, improve overall quality of life, and build resilience.”

How I’m Finding Hope in a Pandemic ,” from Tiny Buddha.
“We are resilient beings and our minds can run far and wide. We might feel the fear and anxiety, but we can also feel creativity and compassion.”

No Escape: COVID-19 Continues to Exacerbate Physician Burnout ,” from Texas Medicine.
“The difference between moral injury and burnout is important, the authors said, because it reframes both the problem and the solutions for it.”

6 Ways to Find Joy During This Dreary Winter, According to a Happiness Expert, ” from Time.
“The hardship and grief that so many people around the world are facing are devastating, and there’s nothing that can erase that pain. But there are a few strategies we can employ to try to create moments of relief.”

"Holding Up ,” from NEJM Perspective.
“That medicine is accompaniment — bearing others’ sorrow, walking the bumpy path alongside them — feels truer now than ever.”

Doctors facing Burnout, Turn to Self-Care ,” from The New York Times.
“There’s such a culture of perfectionism, and it’s so competitive that people want to present their best self. It’s harder to admit they’re struggling.”

WHO Adds Burnout to ICD-11 - What it Means for Physicians
by Sara Berg 
From AMA Practice Management/Physician Health Blog

Beyond Burnout: A Physician Wellness Hierarchy Designed to Prioritize Interventions at the Systems Level
from The American Journal of Medicine

The Physicians Foundation’s 2020 Survey of America’s Physicians: COVID-19’s Impact on Physician Wellbeing

Association of Physicians’ Self-Compassion with Work Engagement, Exhaustion, and Professional Satisfaction Medical Sciences.

Executive Leadership and Physician Well-being: Nine Organizational Strategies to Promote Engagement and Reduce Burnout Mayo Clinic Proceedings.

That Discomfort You’re Feeling is Grief   Harvard Business Review 

Physician Burnout, Interrupted   New England Journal of Medicine

How Unrecognized Mental Health Issues Impact U.S. Physicians   Psychology Today

Talks For When You Feel Totally Burned Out   TED Talks

Socially Distanced Medicine   JAMA

Laughter Leaves Me Lighter  JAMA

COVID Resources - May 14, 2020

Rebuilding More of Me by Sourav Sengupta, MD, MPH 

Heart and Sole-of Metatarsals, Meaning and Medicine. NEJM, 2/7/19

Reinvent Yourself. Psychology Today, 5/14

Breaking the Silence. From A Piece of My Mind. JAMA 1/29/19

The Business Case for Investing in Physician Well-being. JAMA Internal Medicine, 9/25/17

Why Happy Doctors Die by Suicide, by Pamela Wible, MD, from

"Ten Commandments of Physician Wellness" by Edward J. Krall, MD. Clinical Medicine and Research 

"The State of Women in Medicine" Once a male-dominated field, medicine is changing as women make up a growing part of the physician population. Texas Medicine

"Fighting on Two Fronts" The only female Texas physician to serve in World War I. Texas Medicine

“Here’s How Money Really Can Buy You Happiness,” excerpted from TIME's special edition, “The Science of Happiness.”

"Today’s Doctors Arean Endangered Species:  Artificial Intelligence is a threat to the medical profession as we know it.  What can be done to save us?"  Dr. Clay Johnston from TCMS Journal.

"Is Medicine aSpiritual Practice?"Daniel Slumasy from  Academic Medicine 

“Doctors and Divorce,” from Harvard Medical School.

“MaybeIt’s Not Such a Good Idea to Marry a Doctor…” from 

“Out of the Straitjacket.” A trauma surgeon goes to the brink… and back.

A series of articles on Physician Burnout from the New England Journal of Medicine Catalyst.

 “Malcolm Gladwell:  Tell People What It’s Really Like to be a Doctor,” Forbes Magazine.

“An Attitude of Gratitude”   Explores the power of practicing gratitude on all areas of your life. 

"Physician Burnout: Coaching a Way Out" Gail Gazelle, MD, et. al., J Gen Intern Med. 2015 Apr; 30(4): 508–513.

"Burnout and Career Satisfaction Among American Surgeons",  Tait D. Shanafelt, MD, et. al., Annals of Surgery • Volume 250, Number 3, September 2009

Mindful Practice,” Ronald Epstein, JAMA. 1999: 282(9):833-839 (doi:10.1001/jama.282.9.833)

"Meeting the Imperative to Improve Physician Well-being: Assessment of an Innovative Program" J Gen Intern Med. 2007 Nov; 22(11): 1544–1552;

"Physician Resilience and Burnout: Can you Make theSwitch?" by Annie Nedrow, M.D., et. al, Family Practice Management.

"Physician Work LifeBalance: 10 Things Physicians Need to Know"